At the Austin Certified Arborist Prep Course, gain the knowledge & tools you need to pass the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) Certified Arborist exam.
This course helps attendees gain an increased knowledge of practices pertaining to the care of trees as they prepare to take the ISA Certified Arborist Exam. Over the course of 4 days, this class offers instruction from local Certified Arborists on the 16 topics covered in the ISA Certification Study Guide (included). Participants are expected to read the Study Guide and any supplemental course materials in advance of class. Participation in the Friday Q&A session is encouraged as well as reaching out to the teaching cadre with questions between sessions.
Classes are offered twice each year, in January and July/August. We also offer a virtual evenings & weekends class.
The next class is scheduled for January 7, 14, 21, & 28, 2025. Applications are closed, but sign up to be notified of the next class.
Due to high demand, the Austin Certified Arborist exam Prep class is prioritizing admittance to applicants who:
Live or work within the City of Austin MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area);
Work in the arboriculture/urban forestry or related field;
Qualify or will qualify to sit for the ISA Certified Arborist exam within 6 months of the class (see requirements at,
Applicants who have submitted their application to ISA and received approval will receive priority; and
Commit to attend and participate fully in all four classes
This course is beneficial to the following people:
Experienced tree care professionals taking the exam for the first time.
Other professionals wishing to become a Certified Arborist.
Individuals wanting to re-take the Certified Arborist exam.
Recognizing the importance of good tree care for our urban forest, the City of Austin has partnered with Arborholic, LLC, and the Texas A&M Forest Service to provide training to help green industry workers prepare to take the ISA Certified Arborist exam. Qualified applicants within the Austin MSA will receive a complimentary registration, for applicants outside the MSA registration is $350. Email Rebecca at with any questions.
Note: Exam eligibility requirements: 3 years experience in arboriculture, or a 2 year degree in arboriculture and 2 years of experience, or a 4 year degree in a related field and 1 year practical experience. Learn more on the ISA website.
““What I liked most about this course was the way it was taught. The lectures didn’t just walk us through the book. The readings were the baseline to the class, but the lectures went further in depth and talked to real life experiences.””