Recap of December 2023 Discussion[UNIQID]
New year, new you? Naw, you're great just like you are.
Join us January 9 at 6:30 Central and share your dreams and schemes for the coming year.
Here's a recap of our December discussion:
We discussed the ISA Virtual Conference that was on-going during our chat.
We talked about technology and updates - zoom needs to update every single time you log on.
We discussed having "fun hair" and loving that we're more free to color our hair whatever fun color we want.
Trainings such as Certified Tree Worker and CEUs were discussed, along with Tree Climbing Comps.
Mel shared a very interesting study from 2002 on women in urban forestry:
We talked about procrastination including "Strategic procrastination"
Is it a learned behavior or hereditary?
Fear/imposter syndrome contributes to non-strategic procrastination
This led to discussions of strategies to not be late such as using google earth to check out the landmarks, driving the route the day before, etc.
We discussed the climbing systems people use and how climbing systems have helped level the playing field for people who are physically less strong. We also talked about the effects hormones have on body composition leading to women in general having more stamina while men have more brute strength.
We talked about the Tour des Trees and why everyone should support it.
We discussed being a woman in tree care and what that means for personal relationships as well as business relationships.
We talked about how much we'd like to see a conference session on taking care of your health.
Too many young tree workers have had heart attacks after consuming too much caffeine.
In addition, uncorrected hearing loss has been linked to cognitive decline
We talked about tree planting and timing around the company.
Book list -
Invisible Women was listed again.
Gloria Steinem's "My Life on the Road"
The Ultimate Guide to Online Marketing for Tree Service Companies
We also started talking about banned books and members had a few they especially recommend: