Recap of July 2024 Discussion

Recap of July 2024 Discussion

This month's picture is Carrie Tauscher "doing the thing" and presenting about Saluting Branches at the ISA Annual Conference.[UNIQID]

As always, we had a lively discussion in July.  Here's a recap:

  1. Weather and events planning came up - trying to schedule around bad weather is always an issue in tree care.

  2. We talked about using air excavation tools (air spade or air knife) and some of the best practices.

  3. We discussed the issue of getting siloed in your job and feeling like you aren't developing professionally as much as you'd like.

  4. July was Disability Awareness month and we discussed accommodations at work

    1. While breastfeeding isn't a disability, it's a common need for accommodations

    2. We also discussed paying attention to our powerpoint presentations to be sure they're visible

    3. Hearing accommodations are often needed for folks who have worked in the tree industry a while

    4. Language accommodations are an ever present need - ISA used wordly to provide simultaneous translation at their conference.

  5. This led to a discussion about needing to spread the word about current available accommodations

    1. ISA provides accommodations for testing including having extra time or having someone to read the exam to you 

  6. California is experiencing issues with insurers and their requirements

    1. Insurers are using aerial photography and requiring that there be no limbs at all over houses 

    2. This of course will lead to the death of trees from overpruning and will raise cooling bills from loss of shade

    3. Many municipalities are having issues because this conflicts with their tree protection ordinances.

  7. We talked about other weather and the issues we're seeing.  Flooding often causes trees to fall over as the soil loses friction.  Planning for tree risk mitigation is often difficult in areas that are prone to flooding.

  8. We discussed native trees and diversity.  Meeting diversity goals such as 10-20-30 can be difficult to impossible if you want to stick with only native species.  Some of the best adapted trees to cities are often not native trees (and may also be invasive).

  9. We talked about Claritin partnering with the Arbor Day Foundation to encourage planting female trees to reduce pollen in urban areas.

  10. Finally we talked about competing at tree climbing comps when you hate stress and don't like competition.  How do you sign up to participate without feeling the stress of "being competitive"?

Recap of August 2024 Discussion

Recap of August 2024 Discussion

Recap of June 2024 Discussion

Recap of June 2024 Discussion